Your God is False and mine is the only Truth!

Your God is False and mine is the only Truth by Najat Fares Kessler

Since the beginnings of the times,
Humans worshipped some kind of divinity,
All along the history there were wars and wars and wars,
Fought in the “name” of one form of divinity or another,
Humans inflected on other humans horrendous sufferings,
They slaughtered one another in the name of one god or many,
Today, it is still the case; religious extremism is at the edge,
Some are killing themselves to overcome the “enemies of God”,
Some are killing others to defend “God’s way of life”
Others are killing for the claim of uprooting “the Access of Evil”
Both parties claim that they are after “Evil” yet they are fighting against each other,
One wonders why humans don’t make an alliance to fight this hard to catch Evil,
If they are only fighting for “God” as each of the parties claims,
Why don’t they take a moment to check each others?
And realize since they are all made the same way,
Their maker might be one and the same,
And if it is so, why are they still fighting?
In the name of this same maker against each others,
After all, maybe that all humans that live and have ever lived,
And claim to kill one another in the name of God,
Are just murderers, who use the concept of God to make their acts of horror,
Into a grand act in the divine’s name,
Is there such thing called God?
Or are humans projecting their level of consciousness,
Into some kind of fictitious higher power?
The lower the consciousness the more vengeful and cruel their Gods are?
After all, none had ever crossed to the other side, spent some time,
And came back to inform the living on how it goes behind the curtains of death.
If you think that your god is the only truth what proofs do you have?
Except from the “holly” books or old storytelling,
Aren’t those the same proofs all and every religion has?
Why should yours be the only truth?
Maybe there is a higher power,
Maybe it is out of the grasp of our consciousness?
Maybe it is just way different than all of these “Gods”,
That humans worship or have worshipped so far,
A higher power that has no use for humans killing each others,
A higher power that has no use of human judgment,
A higher power that has no use of heaven or hell,
Maybe it is in the human saga that the house of God is,
Maybe after creating humans God dissolved into tiny pieces,
And each piece implanted itself in everything that lives, including human heart,
Imagine that within every human being there is a piece of God,
Imagine that this piece of God is able to connect to all the other pieces,
How exalting to carry a piece of God within you!
How exalting to be God as the drop of water is a part of the sea,
Maybe God is waiting for us to allow him to unfold within us,
Maybe God is patiently waiting for us to allow his pieces to connect,
Maybe that is what it takes for the joy to explode in our heart,
Shine through us and lovingly reach out to others,
Maybe then humans can blissfully fly!

© Copyright 2004, Najat Fares Kessler. All Rights Reserved.