How can we humans speak on behalf of God?
When we are suspicious of others,
We are suspicious of the world,
We hastily jump to conclusions,
We are self rigthouss, controlling and abusive,
We are impolite, inconsiderate,
We are Rude and hurtful,
We are Disrespectful,
We are judgemental,
We are Ignorant,
We are Arrogant,
We are Blind with our own Perceptions,
How can we preach?
We got no ground for such speech,
If the Creator wanted the earth to be one and only one Religion,
He would have arranged for it to be so,
Well it is not the case,
Shouldn’t we rather than hating every other Religion,
Learn how to live peacefully,
Treat others with the same respect and dignity,
We are lunging for,
This only means learning to be a decent human being,
How can we speak on Behalf of God?
When we have no clue about the creation,
When we have no respect for the creation,
Which is the realm of God!
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