Merry Christmas & Joyeux Noel

Nature is bright white
The skies pour sparkly crystals
The bells ring at the doors
The children are excited
The trees are decorated
Traveling one to another
The families are gathering
I walk to the town
And I watch in owe
The excitement in the air
The anticipation in the hearts
The abundance of the offerings
The lush of the displays
I contemplate and enjoy
Every bit of the celebration
Mesmerized in a magical ecstasy
I gaze at the angels flying by

Merry Christmas & Joyeux Noel

© Copyright 2005, Najat Fares Kessler, all rights reserved.

To My Beloved Mother By Najat Fares Kessler

Did you choose me? Did I choose you? Or did we both pick each other?

There were times when I thought I did not want you nor did I care,
There were times when I thought all I wanted is to get away from you,
There were times when you and I were like two enemy fighters on a battle field,
There were times when I thought I wanted to be the opposite of you in every way,

Whenever I think of a sunny smile, It is you beautiful Mother that comes to mind,
Alive and animated in four dimensions, smiling from the bottom of your heart,
In all and every actions of yours through all the years that have past and right now,
It is you smiling from the core of the core of your soul reaching out to me your beloved
With your burning desire to show me and to the universe, the magical wonders of love,
A mother’s love that has transcended all illusions of human limitations,
A Love that survived trials and trials and trials and trials and trials and trials,
You mother: A Warrior with a mission you are, tenacious, perseverant, and courageous,
You never let go of your purpose: loving, nourishing, and teaching,
Your love: Powerful & burning like a geyser, infinite, magnificent, and ever flowing,
You took on agonizing roles to teach me what I needed in order to live my life,
You dedicated your life journey to being a generous mother,
You gave and gave and gave and gave and you are still abundantly giving

I know now, in the deepest of my heart of heart and soul I never ever,
Ceased to profoundly love you, not one year, one month, one day, one hour,
Not even one minute, not even one split second did it ever occur,

I am so grateful to you mother for all of the most agonizing,
Sacrifices that you took on to serve and teach me,
I am joyfully singing out loud my love to you,
With the same abundance you love me with,
Let me dive into your geyser and be burned in it,
Let me be burn in your boiling sea of love,
Let me be disseminate into your vast ocean,
So I shall no longer be separated from you,
I am ready to shed my old blind limited self,
I am ready to die into your burning love,
I am ready to become one with you and all there is!

With my deepest Gratitude & Love to you Mother,

Yours Forever,


© Copyright 2004, Najat Fares Kessler, all rights reserved.

Eid El Adha is here!

Did you buy your “Kharoufe”1 or is it a “Maaza”2 this year,
Does yours have biggest horns or did you lost to the guys next door,
As of myself, I can’t quiet decide,
In the land of the snow, I have few options
Buying a sheep and slaughtering it in my backyard,
With big knifes and make a huge barbecue,
Will likely get me in trouble with the white and blue cars,
With the fancy spinning colored lights,
That are ridden by the fully armed gals and guys.
If I was ever gutsy enough to do such thing,
My neighbors will probably alert 911, FBI, and alert the
National Security Advisor in the white house, as well,
What to do? I use to enjoy this celebration,
And make it into a competition, with the watch and cleaning,
Chasing the blood of the killed animal, with a garden’s hose and a broom,
And making sure all the intestines are washed,
The animals stomach cleaned and peeled from its first layer of skin
Throw all to boil into a big pan, and then start the delicious mouth watering seasoning
Fabulous tasty olives and all the multicolored spices, Ah! I miss mama’s kitchen!
Of course the day must not end without having taken care of the head with the horns,
It is first barbecued, shopped open, then stripped of all forms of meat,
To prepare the “Rass” Dish it goes, I use to enjoy the tongue!
Happy Eid Al Adha to all of YOU!

1- Kharoufe = sheep
2- Maaza = goat