Think again

Unless one is born a female and lived to be an adult in a society where being female equal second class citizen, one has no idea of the turmoil a human being in such condition goes through.
Where do I start?
From when you are way little and you are told that you can’t run around with the other male children, you are a girl and girls are locked up in homes and are suppose to learn how to serve everyone else,
When you are told that you are supposed to eat left over because you are just a girl and men and boys are served first and are given the best of the feast,
When you are told in order to make God happy you have to hide most of your body,
When your breast is growing and you are told now it is even more of an emergency,
When you have your first periods and you are told, well you are kind of dirty,
You are told on your shoulders lays the burden the honor of your entire family,
It is vital to keep the hymen intact and don’t ever think about using the clitoris,
For you are supposed to be a virgin for the Man,
And Remember that you do not have claims whatsoever over his virginity,
He is not up to the test here but you and only you are,
You are supposed to keep your self pure for him,
So when he gets to you he is the first one who ever touched you,
When you are told that naked, you are basically the Devil temptation
You are that only thing that may distract this Man from his spiritual path,
You see this Man has no power over his penis when he sees you,
You are told that you are to obey this Man that can’t help himself to live,
You have to cook for him, clean after him, and obey him,
You are told that even if This Man acts irresponsible, it is on you,
It is on you to be the hidden beauty Queen, the best Chef Cook, The Best Mother, The Best, Most Perfect, and Wise Woman in the Earth,
For this, so Weak, Man; because he is just a Man,
This Man who can not make sense of himself,
Who is overwhelmed buy his erection
Who, is so scared and hides behind artificial games of life,
Of course, he will come up with all kind of mind chatter,
Intellectual explanations and ego justifications,
The Koran, the Bible, the Taorat, Traditions, Culture,
What do I know?
Fearful, Ignorant, Arrogant, the Ego is cunning,
You are talking to me about God!
Forget the Mosques, the Churches and Temples,
Forget all the religious books,
I am a Creature of God!
Can’t you see?
Like you, I only and only belong to God!
When did you take over and become God!
If you experienced God, how come you can’t you see me?
Yes, try that,
Try to keep me lower so you can feel higher,
To all Men on the Earth, the lower you put your women,
The lower you are,
And that is how human kind got into the chaos,
We are in right now!
Think again.

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