الى عواد بالسعوديةfrom An Amazigh Moroccan Woman

What can I say? How would I answer?

I do not know, nor…

Do I, possess any fancy answers


Life has powerful ways to manifest

Anywhere and everywhere, it blooms


That which you focus on grows

One of the laws of this universe

That which you bring with you

In hundred folds you shall get


You may encounter those inhabited by Fear

And entirely possessed by its progenitors

What will you do?

Will you compound their obsessions?

Or, will you be able to see through them?


You will encounter Fear,

Its children like Mistrust,

And or its grand children

Like Sorrow and Greed

What will you do?

Will you let these so familiar ugly heads fool you?

Or, will you look beyond their traces within you?


I am daily fighting my own demons

Sometimes, I claim victory other times they do

In either case I am the creator and the doer


…And…also the Observer….


At this moment, Precisely Concisely

With theses few words, I am attempting to express

That which is difficult to say while trying to impress


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