A special 4th of July

I long hesitated to become a citizen of another country,

I long hesitated to accept another choice,

I long hesitated to consider another option,

I long hesitated to choose though eligible to ask,

It took me four years to decide,

It took me that long to apply,

I waited until I knew exactly why,

I wanted to be an American citizen,

It was not enough to do it for the logic,

I needed my inner peace with reason,

Last year on a hot day in summer,

As I was vacationing in the lands of my ancestors,

When I was able and ready to hear,

The answer came to me loud and clear,

"Liberty of consciousness is alive and well in America, Now!"

Since then, it has been smooth, beautiful, and easy,

I was granted my US citizenship in the most wonderful ceremony,

I pledged allegiance to the flag Of the United States of America,

From the bottom of my heart I meant every word I said,

I cried tears of joy for the whole time the festivities lasted,

I am thankful to have another choice, I am grateful to the American people,

For accepting me and allowing me to be one of them when I was ready,

I now have two citizenships,

The one I was born with,

My Moroccan identity which I cherish,

The one I choose to embrace,

My American identity which I hold precious,

This fourth of July, 2006, has a special meaning,

It has a unique fragrance and a special taste,

This is the first of time ever in my whole life,

I am celebrating the 4th of July, As an American Moroccan Citizen,

Full of gratitude I stand with a joyful heart I salute the American flag,

And I am singing the The Star-Spangled Banner.

© Copyright 2006 Najat Fares Kessler, all rights reserved.